谷歌成为最新投资者, 触手直播完成D轮融资
2018-01-05 17:08:30游戏日报
手游直播平台触手宣布完成 D 轮融资。至此,触手累计融资超过1.2亿美元。在本轮融资中,Google 成为了触手新的投资方,同时参与本次投资的还有触手现有投资方启明创投、顺为资本以及沸点资本。来自 Google 以及其它投资方的全新注资,将帮助触手在全球范围内进行拓展。
触手直播是中国领先的手机游戏直播平台,深受中国手游电竞爱好者青睐,其受欢迎程度类似于Twitch 在美国电脑游戏玩家心目中的地位。
自 2015 年 8 月创立以来,触手直播平台已经拥有累计超过 800 万主播。平均每天都有 25 万主播在该平台直播展示他们的移动游戏体验。有超过 9 千万的核心手游玩家注册用户观看直播,直播内容涵盖 1,000 余款热门游戏。触手直播平台拥有国内最为活跃的、以手机游戏玩家为核心的在线社区。
“凭借专注并增长迅速的内容创作者和消费群体,以及明智的拓展计划,触手建立了一个令人刮目相看的直播平台,” Google 企业发展部的林宜范说到。“我们非常高兴可以通过投资的方式与触手达成合作,帮助他们推行这些计划,将优质的移动游戏内容带给全球更多用户。”
“我们很荣幸 Google 能成为我们的投资者,”触手直播平台的创始人曹建根表示,“Google 的投资是对我们团队所进行的创新工作的证明,为我们在全球拓展所付诸的努力给予信心与支持!我们期待未来能通过更多形式与 Google 展开合作。”
Chushou total funding passes $120 million with close of series D round
Google joined the round as a new investor in Chushou
Qiming Venture, Shunwei Capital and Alpha X Capital also participated
5 January 2018, Beijing China -- Chushou announced today that it has closed its Series D funding round, bringing its total amount raised to date to more than $120 million. Google participated in the round as a new investor in Chushou, joined by existing investors Qiming Venture, Shunwei Capital and Alpha X Capital. This new funding from Google and others will help Chushou in its efforts to expand globally.
Chushou is already China’s leading mobile game live streaming platform. It is the favorite online destination for mobile e-Sports fans in China, much like Twitch is a top destination for desktop gamers in the US.
Since launching in August of 2015, Chushou has accumulated more than 8 million unique streamers. On average, 250,000 streamers live stream on the site everyday to show off their mobile game experiences. Over 90 million registered hardcore mobile gamers watch this live content, covering more than 1,000 popular games. Chushou has the most active mobile gamer centric online community in China.
“Chushou has built an impressive platform, with a dedicated and quickly growing base of content creators and consumers, and smart expansion plans,” said Frank Lin, of Principal, Corporate Development - North Asia, Google. “We’re excited to be supporting Chushou through this investment to help them execute those plans, bringing great mobile gaming content to more people around the world.”
“We are honored to have Google as an investor,” said David Cao, founder of Chushou. “Google’s investment is a testament to the innovative work our team has been doing, and a vote of confidence and support for our efforts to expand globally. We look forward to finding more ways to partner with Google in the future.”

触手直播是中国领先的手机游戏直播平台,深受中国手游电竞爱好者青睐,其受欢迎程度类似于Twitch 在美国电脑游戏玩家心目中的地位。
自 2015 年 8 月创立以来,触手直播平台已经拥有累计超过 800 万主播。平均每天都有 25 万主播在该平台直播展示他们的移动游戏体验。有超过 9 千万的核心手游玩家注册用户观看直播,直播内容涵盖 1,000 余款热门游戏。触手直播平台拥有国内最为活跃的、以手机游戏玩家为核心的在线社区。
“凭借专注并增长迅速的内容创作者和消费群体,以及明智的拓展计划,触手建立了一个令人刮目相看的直播平台,” Google 企业发展部的林宜范说到。“我们非常高兴可以通过投资的方式与触手达成合作,帮助他们推行这些计划,将优质的移动游戏内容带给全球更多用户。”
“我们很荣幸 Google 能成为我们的投资者,”触手直播平台的创始人曹建根表示,“Google 的投资是对我们团队所进行的创新工作的证明,为我们在全球拓展所付诸的努力给予信心与支持!我们期待未来能通过更多形式与 Google 展开合作。”
Chushou total funding passes $120 million with close of series D round
Google joined the round as a new investor in Chushou
Qiming Venture, Shunwei Capital and Alpha X Capital also participated
5 January 2018, Beijing China -- Chushou announced today that it has closed its Series D funding round, bringing its total amount raised to date to more than $120 million. Google participated in the round as a new investor in Chushou, joined by existing investors Qiming Venture, Shunwei Capital and Alpha X Capital. This new funding from Google and others will help Chushou in its efforts to expand globally.
Chushou is already China’s leading mobile game live streaming platform. It is the favorite online destination for mobile e-Sports fans in China, much like Twitch is a top destination for desktop gamers in the US.
Since launching in August of 2015, Chushou has accumulated more than 8 million unique streamers. On average, 250,000 streamers live stream on the site everyday to show off their mobile game experiences. Over 90 million registered hardcore mobile gamers watch this live content, covering more than 1,000 popular games. Chushou has the most active mobile gamer centric online community in China.
“Chushou has built an impressive platform, with a dedicated and quickly growing base of content creators and consumers, and smart expansion plans,” said Frank Lin, of Principal, Corporate Development - North Asia, Google. “We’re excited to be supporting Chushou through this investment to help them execute those plans, bringing great mobile gaming content to more people around the world.”
“We are honored to have Google as an investor,” said David Cao, founder of Chushou. “Google’s investment is a testament to the innovative work our team has been doing, and a vote of confidence and support for our efforts to expand globally. We look forward to finding more ways to partner with Google in the future.”